

How to Know When Your PC Needs Replacing

Computers won’t work like they do out of the box forever. You will find that, over time, your device will slow down and become harder and harder to use. Whether you use it for work, school, or leisure, it can be extremely frustrating when this begins to happen. Sometimes laptops can be repaired, whereas other times they simply need replacing; oftentimes, businesses and other professionals rely on professional tech companies – the managed IT services London based businesses often rely on will include services to replace and repair computers. However, if you’re on your own, it is good to know why computers slow down, as well as some of the signs to tell you when you should replace your computer.

PC Repairing

Why Do Computers Slow Down?

There are a myriad reasons why computers slow down. Once you know why computers’ performance degrades, it can be easy to make changes to try and improve it, and then, if there really isn’t anything that you can do, you know that you need to get a new device.

1. Internal Storage

Computers have internal storage that if fulfilled by a hard drive – usually a hard disk drive, or a solid-state drive. This is where all of your data is stored; for instance, your files and documents, cache files, settings, etc. But the internal storage is also where all of your apps, and your operating system is stored. The more empty your internal storage is, the easier your computer will find it to boot up software and have things running smoothly.As internal storage fills up, your PC’s performance will start to slow down.

2. Bloatware & Old Data

Bloatware is a term for software and applications which you don’t use, but which are taking up space on your computer – so this ties in the with previous point; when your hard drive fills up, your computer slows down. We often download and install software as and when we need it, without thinking about our storage, and then forget about the software. Even just by sitting on your PC, software uses up resources; the same can be said about old data that you no longer need or use.

3. RAM

The RAM (or Random-access Memory) is the hardware that is responsible for how quickly your computer runs programs, and how many programs can be run at once. The more RAM your PC has, the faster and more work it can handle; conversely, if you only have a little bit of RAM, it will struggle with running multiple programs (or even just one large program, such as a video editing application). As we mentioned before, number of files and data on your device fills up; this also impacts how well your RAM functions – so even if you add more RAM over time, it will always begin slowing down eventually.

4. System Updates

Software usually receive patch updates that enable them to operate more efficiently and securely. While it is good to install patches and updates, it does mean more data stored on your device. Again, this will slow down your PC’s performance.

5. Viruses

A virus is a piece of malicious code, or a malicious program that can wreak havoc with your computer. Sometimes, they can install themselves on your PC and lay dormant for a very long time. There are lots of viruses whose only purpose is to impact the performance of your PC, jamming up your system and slowing down your computer. According to one company we spoke to, who provide outsourced IT support London businesses rely on, there is always a risk of your PC getting infected by a virus – so to minimize that risk, it is important to install a good antivirus/antimalware software.

6. Hardware Issues

The hardware in your computer needs to be working as intended for your PC to perform correctly. If hardware gets damaged somehow – like if you drop your PC – then hardware components might get damaged or displaced, which will impact the performance. An example of this is with the hard drive, which contains a number of moving components (unless it is a solid-state drive).

Signs to Look For

Now that you know some of the reasons why computers can become slow over time, you should also know what signs indicate that it is time to replace your PC. There may be ways in which you can repair or upgrade your PC to improve performance, and other times when it is simply too old to ever get that performance back.

PC Repairing

1. Long Startup / Shutdown

Booting up your PC should not take much more than a minute; and likewise, shutting down your PC shouldn’t take long. If it is taking a while, that indicates that your PC isn’t executing the necessary processes very well. This might be to do with the hard drive or the CPU, and could mean it cannot support the software properly.

2. Poor Multitasking

As we mentioned earlier, your random-access memory (RAM) enables your PC to multitask, and run multiple programs at once. But, even if you add more RAM to your PC, it will eventually get clogged up by data and slow down again, so there really is a cap on how much your can improve your PC’s multitasking by upgrading RAM. At a certain point, it is best to simply find a newer model of computer.

3. Loud Fan

The fan is what cools your PC down. Your PC gets hot because the hardware, which running the various processes needed for a computer to function, begin to heat up. A loud fan means it is working overtime to cool down the hardware; and if your hardware’s temperature is getting that high, it means it’s not handling processes very efficiently. If your fan starts whirring almost as soon as your PC starts, that’s a sure fire sign that you need to replace the machine.